Wednesday, March 13, 2024

2024.03.13 Resort Car Show and Craft Sale


We were surprised at the size of this car show! Several of the resorts in the area hold car and craft shows. The perfect place to drive them! There were many more cars that I didn't photograph! Al and I are both commenting on photos!

This red Vette is a beauty!

This is a 1972 Nova. I had a 1970 Nova as a teen. Great car!

This little truck had a very cool paint job. It was beautiful gold.

The owner of this truck is doing a nice job keeping it looking good!

Beautiful paint job on this one!

This one reminded me of Danny's blue step side.

I used to own one like this except it didn't have a hemi.

My dad had a red car like this one.

This would be fun to tool around in Arizona with!

I had a green impala similar to this one.

A very pretty color!

My friend Jim Kippley has a Pontiac like this one except it's a hard top.

Very unique color! Was beautiful!

This one reminded me of Tommi Hornung's RS.  I always loved this Camaro body style.

This is a large ballroom and was full of crafts, glass work, wood work, silver jewelry, rock and card painting, quilts...etc.

The little Ukulele Band playing by the pool.

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