Tuesday, March 5, 2024

3.02.2024 Mesa Market


All the ‘Gotta have’ merchandise: Lots of Artisans, Jewelers (Everyday, Costume and Bling-Bling!), Crafts, Clothing, Men’s and Women’s Shoes, Skin Care & Cosmetics, Essential Oils, Home Improvement, Outdoor Decor and Enhancements, Kitchen Ware, Sports Gear, Tourist Gear, Pet Gear, Signs, Art, Hardware, Tools, Jerky, Golf Equipment, Cacti, Spas, Native American Collectibles, Health Info, Hats, Rocks, and Crystals, Games, Vanilla and Spices … and even more!!!

Admission is FREE! Parking is FREE! Live Entertainment is FREE! More than 1.5 miles of shopping with a food court, snack bars, and live music!

We bought vanilla, Chicken Shit and Bull Shit spice blends, vinegar, visors, chocolate, peanut butter and churro fudge, shirts, tools etc...



Shoes we thought Jessica might like 😁

Al's new hat! LOL Hippie...

Or cowboy?

Earrings I bought.


Anonymous said...

Hot pepper mamma and hippie boy!

Jessica said...

Don't you have some shoes like that already? 😉 Interested to hear how the spices taste!

Anonymous said...
