Saturday, March 9, 2024

3.08.24 Ballantine and Pine Creek Loop Trail 280

Ballantine & Pine Creek Loop Trail

We got an early start and the sun was just peeking over the mountain.

It didn't take us long to gain altitude for some terrific views!

It was pretty rugged terrain but the trail was pretty easy to follow.

Break time to have a snack and catch our breath!

Back on the trail!

Tom called this the King's Throne.

I guess it's a King and Queen throne! Sitting left to right is Jo, Lori, Linda, Linda (Manitoba), Standing: me, Walter, Jeanne, Joanne & Ed.

Of course Tom was taking the picture so Jeanne took his so he wouldn't be left out! LOL

Lunch spot!

The Desert flowers are starting to bloom, can't wait for all the flora!

This Cholla is about to blossom.

We gained a lot of altitude on this hike but it was a blast!



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