Friday, October 13, 2023

The 2023 Trigg County Country Ham Festival

We had a slow morning.  Al fixed the tailgate on the truck and did some other maintenance.  After lunch we went with Connie and Steve to the Trigg County Country Ham Festival. It's huge for a small town. They shut down streets and there were tents and vendors up and down both sides of the street, bands playing, food truck area and people everywhere.  People are extremely friendly here.  People just start taking to you and the pastor hugged me hello and chatted like he knew us. It's very comfortable here. Connie won several first and second place ribbons for her canning and art! Very proud of her efforts! It's been a busy few days.  We have enjoyed this visit to Cadiz, KY so much and we thank Connie and Steve for their generous hospitality.  We'd love to visit again! Tomorrow will be on the road most of the day and will land in Little Rock tomorrow night for a few days. We think we will enjoy this life of six Saturdays and one Sunday every week! Until next time... be happy!
Al and I had fancy coffee drinks. 
Caramel Apple Esspresso Frappe. Yum!

First place for her graphite sketch of her husband,  Steve, holding her cat. I missed some of the entries because she was going so fast.  
Zucchini Pineapple
Harvard Beets

Apple Pie Filling
Rassleberry Pie Filling (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry)

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Was Connie shocked at how many canning jars she got from Eddie? Does she sell her stuff at farmers markets? That Rassleberry sounds good!