Sunday, February 18, 2024

2.16.24 Weavers Needle & Geronimo Cave

 Weavers Needle & Geronimo Cave

We hiked a 7.5 mile hike on the Peralta Trail, this was one of the toughest hikes we did but it was well worth the effort!

There were several stream crossing we negotiated to get to the saddle on top by Weavers Needle.

One of our destinations of Geronimo's Cave is up on this rock formation.

Directly behind me is a rock formation called "bread loaves".

This rock is called "Dragon's Head".

Up on the saddle we got to where we could see Weavers Needle.  To the right of this photo you can see Lone Tree in the distance on top of the bluff.

Lone Tree

Tom & Jeanne, these two were the only ones in the group that have negotiated this trail before.

I finally was able to get a photo of a road runner!  I didn't spot Wiley Coyote or any ACME packages though. LOL

Ron was visiting from Canada with his rubber duck, apparently he travels all over the world with that think.  I think that's kind of weird but that's just me! LOL

Negotiating some narrow trails, you can't see it in this photo but there's quite a drop off to Jeanne's left.

There's no way I would hike this trail if it was wet!

Linda and her sister Lori making their way to the Cave.

This was a good shot of Jo with a breathtaking view in the background.

Jeanne & Joanne sitting on the ledge in Geronimo's Cave.

We were convinced that Tom wasn't on the trail but this was it!

This part of the trail was insane, when I saw Tom drop over the edge to go down I actually swore thinking he was crazy.  The only way down this thing was on your butt, it's a good thing there were plenty of foot holds to use on the way down!

On top of the world with Joanne, Jeanne, Linda and Lori.

Geronimo's Cave!  Left to right Rose (Canada), Jo (Missouri) Ron (Canada), Linda (Minnesota), Joanne (Minnesota), Jeanne (Illinois) & Lori (Iowa).

Lone Tree with Weavers Needle in the background. Lori, Ron, Rose, Jo, me Joanne, Jeanne, Tom Wilkinson (our fearless leader) & Linda.

The photos don't show the 3D relationship of objects or depict how spectacular the views are. 


Another group photo on the trail.

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