Wednesday, February 21, 2024

2.21.24 Wave Cave

 Wave Cave

There were 16 hikers at the start of this 3-1/2 mile hike but not everyone made it the whole way.  It wasn't long but there was a long stretch of pretty steep terrain.

Gaining some altitude.

It looks like a polar bear in front of the wave cave. LOL

It's not often that Tom let's us take his photo but Jan talked him into it!

Taking a needed break!

It was nice and cool inside the cave.

Jo on top of the wave.

This was the largest cave we've been to so far!

Me and Tracy "riding the wave". LOL

You can get a better idea of the size of the "wave" formation in this photo!

Lunch spot!

It was certainly a knee punisher coming back down!

I get teased about finding an eagles perch when we're hiking because I like scrambling on top of boulders for a better view.

Group photo! Left to right front row: Linda, Rose, Diane, Sherry, Bob, Jan, Jo, Aimee, Tracy and Pam.  Back row: Me, Bob, Mary, Tom & Robin.

You can get an idea of the depth of the cave in this photo.

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