Tuesday, April 2, 2024

2024.04.02 Arizona Museum of Natural History

We started our adventure today by stopping to help an 83 year old man on the side of the road. We recognized him because he was parked next to us in the resort for the last couple of weeks!

This Pliomastodon was found in Arizona and probably migrated here from Asia. The large skull here is a Pliomastodon without his tusks.

The Tucson Meteorite- relocated from Arizona to the Smithsonian in 1863, the Tucson Meteorite is one of the most unusual of all meteorites in its shape and composition. It was discovered in teh Santa rita Mountains and brought to the Tucson Presidio before 1850. Tucson blacksmiths used the meteorite as an anvil.

My video of the waterfall and Al standing
 in an earthquake simulator!

It was a fun day! I'm so glad we are able to explore together!



Kathy Brock said...

Those are some really good pictures! Glad you are having fun :)

Kathy Brock said...

And that ice cream looks SO good!